Dracula's Dog

Draculas Dog

Draculas Dog

  Dracula’s Dog is an Intro Line Wild Species Duper(Uncommon) Rarity Class. Mans best friend…if Man was an eternally damned blood thirsty sociopath who wouldn’t hesitate to eat your face off. What better way to balance an evil...

Draculas Dog

  Dracula’s Dog is an Intro Line Wild Species Duper(Uncommon) Rarity Class. Mans best friend…if Man was an eternally damned blood thirsty sociopath who wouldn’t hesitate to eat your face off. What better way to balance an evil...

HEADLINE: Dog Show Won by a Landslide

HEADLINE: Dog Show Won by a Landslide

The annual dog show took place this weekend and we met up with Dave Davies, one of competition's judges following a landslide victory by one contestant. Davies gave his comments...

HEADLINE: Dog Show Won by a Landslide

The annual dog show took place this weekend and we met up with Dave Davies, one of competition's judges following a landslide victory by one contestant. Davies gave his comments...