HEADLINE: Mayhem in the Produce Aisle

Customers of Juicy Mart were stunned to find that their fruits and vegetables may not always be what they expect. Reports of a massive eggplant creature rampaging in the grocery store flooded in Monday morning. We spoke with one such witness, Dave Davies, to learn more.

"I was taking candid photos of shoppers and developing them in the storage area for a few days when decided I wanted a bite of an eggplant. I reached in and this monster jumped out and told me to unhand it. I still tried to get a bite as it began to root itself into the floor and grow, but the skin was too hard. I ended up just getting some yogurt."

Sixteen people were sent to the hospital and five people are still missing following this creature's reign of terror. Conflicting reports have been sent in of a similar creature walking down the street peacefully and describing it as 'harmless'. Perhaps after this event, Juicy Mart will be inspecting its produce a little closer. Thanks for tuning in, this has been Johnny Broadcast with a final report before shooting myself into space.

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