
HEADLINE: Megastar "Famoso" has Concert Interrupted by Monster

HEADLINE: Megastar "Famoso" has Concert Interru...

Action 12 arrived on scene where a giant man with a drum for a belly blasted celebrity "Famoso" off the stage while he performed his hit song, "So Tasty Tasty"....

HEADLINE: Megastar "Famoso" has Concert Interru...

Action 12 arrived on scene where a giant man with a drum for a belly blasted celebrity "Famoso" off the stage while he performed his hit song, "So Tasty Tasty"....



Tumbo is an Intro Line Entity Species Duper (Uncommon) 🔴 Rarity. Even though he looks like he just applied a Ton of spray tan lotion, he is not the one to be messed with. Next...


Tumbo is an Intro Line Entity Species Duper (Uncommon) 🔴 Rarity. Even though he looks like he just applied a Ton of spray tan lotion, he is not the one to be messed with. Next...